Homeopathy for migraine treatment in women - an article by Dr. Sanchita Dharne, an expert in homeopathic treatment of migraine at Elixir Homeopathy in Delhi and Gurgaon area.

Homeopathy for Migraine - Homeopathic Treatment and Medicines

Dr. Sanchita Dharne

Homeopathy stands to deliver natural and effective treatment for migraine in women. The roots of migraine in women, are most commonly found in hormonal imbalance. With systematic analysis of individual case, homeopathy has been delivering relief for migraine women for a long time.

Migraine is headache with intense and recurring pain, often on any one side of the head. Migraine comes with nausea, vomiting, numbness, sensitivity to light or sound, etc. It is often triggered by hormonal changes in the body, light, sound, or certain trigger foods or drinks. It is often found that migraine runs in family. The migraine attacks can make you underperform in your work or studies. The episodes can migraine can also disrupt your family and social life.

If you have ever struggled with severe headaches that make you feel numb and are sometimes accompanied by dizziness, nausea, or vomiting; then you understand how this can negatively impact your quality of life.

Some people say when the migraine hit, they feel like they’re having a stroke. These effects can make it difficult to participate in activities with your loved ones when you’re having such migraine episodes.

Many of us are not well-informed about migraine and so our friends and family might think we’re exaggerating your headache especially on days you can’t get out of bed. This can be frustrating.

Research shows close to 1 out of 7 people in the world is affected by migraine.

Migraine is three times more prevalent in women compared to men.

Homeopathic medicine is effective in treating several medical conditions pertaining to migraine. In this article, we’ll look at how homeopathy can help you say goodbye to migraine without dealing with negative side effects.


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Migraine Treatment in Homeopathy - Natural and Effective

In clinical practice, I’ve experienced immense success for migraine treatment in homeopathy. Several studies by fellow homeopathic doctors and researchers corroborate the same.

Homeopathic treatment procedure for migraine intends to find the root cause of the migraine. Since each individual has unique set of causes, triggers and overall journey of her migraine, it is imperative to assess each case with unique perspective.

60 people in their 50s participated in a study to test the effect of homeopathic medicine on migraine.  These people were divided into two groups. One was given a placebo and the other group was on various kinds of homeopathic medicines ( Sulphur, Lachesis, and Belladonna among others) depending on what was appropriate for each of them. The study ended after 4 months. The results showed that the individuals on homeopathic remedies had less frequent migraine attacks than the people on placebo. Additionally, when they experienced the migraines, they were less intense and lasted for a shorter period compared to those of their counterparts.

In an another study conducted on children suffering from migraines, 168 children (between the ages of 5 and 15) from 12 different countries participated in the study. Each of the kids received individualized treatment depending upon the case analysis. The children were monitored for up to 3 months after the study. The outcome - they experienced significantly fewer migraines which were less intense and occurred for a shorter duration. Therefore, the kids had fewer instances of missing school due to migraine attacks.

Another study was done on 212 migraine patients and a follow up was conducted for 2 years. 67 homeopathic doctors administered both homeopathic prescriptions and placebo on the participants. The participants on homeopathy experienced significant improvements in their physical and mental well-being.


Schedule appointment with Dr. Sanchita Dharne for homeopathic treatment of migraine.


What is Migraine?

A migraine refers to a neurological condition that is mainly manifested through severe headaches and other symptoms like nausea or sensitivity to light. Although there are no established causes of migraine, it is however, connected to one’s genetics and neurological activity in the brain.

Migraine affects every individual differently. For instance, some people can have it for as less as once a year while others can experience it multiple times a week or even daily.

You can get migraine at any time in your life. However, most people have their first episode in their adolescence.

Certain factors put you at more risk of getting migraines and they include:

Gender: As mentioned earlier, women are thrice at risk of developing migraines compared to men.

Age: Migraine episodes significantly increase when people get to their 30s and then gradually decrease afterward.

Family history / Genetics: According to statistics, over half of the individuals with this medical condition have a family member who’s also struggling with it. Therefore, experts have concluded that genetics play a role in the occurrence of migraines.

Hormonal changes: Studies have shown that women tend to develop migraine when they’re close to getting their periods. The same happens when they’re pregnant or going through menopause. All such stages have high level of fluctuation of hormones in women.


What Happens During Migraine?

Research on migraine so far hasn’t been able to establish the exact reasons why migraines happen. In the same breath, many theories have come up over the years to explain the process through which a migraine occurs and some of these theories contradict each other. However, researchers, by and large, agree that the following happen to your brain and body when you’re having a migraine attack.

Step 1: Trigger

Migraine starts with a trigger. Common triggers include stress, lack of adequate sleep, flickering lights, hormonal changes, certain smells, not drinking enough water, or even the weather . Brain responds to triggers by activating the neurons abnormally.

Step 2: Sensation

The neurons cause sensation to the different parts of the brain. This includes the sections of your brain responsible for your senses. That is why you may become sensitive to sound or light, have trouble talking or have nausea.

Step 3: Effects

The serotonin levels go down significantly. Serotonin is a hormone responsible for regulating your mood, sleep, and digestion. Low serotonin level affects the above-mentioned factors. You can even experience other symptoms like constipation, lack of appetite, diarrhea and nausea or vomiting. It is also an indication that you have entered the phase where you’re having actual migraine attack.

Serotonin also acts as a neurotransmitter. It performs the role of sending messages from one cell nerve to another. When serotonin level is low, the blood vessels in this brain enlarge to allow more blood to flow into the brain so as to ensure uninterrupted flow of messaging to and from the brain. This process of expansion makes you feel throbbing pain in the head, which you experience as a migraine headache.

Step 4: After effects

After the migraine attack has passed, your body takes some time to recover. That’s why you may have some lingering symptoms such as fatigue, and body weakness for the next one or two days.


Migraine Symptoms

A migraine episode usually comes in stages and so the symptoms for each stage may vary. There’s the time before you get the headache (prodromal or premonitory stage), the actual migraine, and the period after the migraine is gone (the postdrome/postdromal stage).

It is important to know that you may not have exactly the same symptoms as the next person with migraines. However, some of these signs are common in the majority of people dealing with migraines.

You should also know that you don’t need to go through all the stages necessarily. Don’t be surprised if one or two stages are skipped.

Symptoms Before The Migraine (Prodromal or Premonitory Stage)

A few hours, or even 1-2 days before you get the headaches, you might experience some symptoms such as:

  • Fatigue
  • Irritability
  • Mood swings - shifting between intense excitement and depression
  • Nausea
  • Low appetite
  • Cravings for certain foods
  • Trouble concentrating
  • Constipation or diarrhea
  • Stiffness on the neck
  • Sensitivity to light and sound
  • Too much yawning
  • Bloating
  • Feeling thirsty
  • Frequent urge to urination

25% of people dealing with migraine experience aura. Aura usually takes anything between 5 to 60 minutes. Aura is usually a precursor to migraine episode. When in aura you can experience signs such as:

  • Trouble seeing properly which may include not seeing at all or seeing things in double form.
  • Feeling tingly or numb on one side of the body.
  • Seeing flashing lights, different shapes or colors.
  • Having trouble speaking.
  • Feeling extremely dizzy.
  • Feeling like someone is poking your arms or legs with needles.
  • Hallucinating. You might hear imaginary noises.
  • Hearing a ringing sound in your ears.
  • Your body jerking uncontrollably.

Symptoms During Migraine Attack

The main sign you will get when having a migraine attack is a headache. If you don’t treat the migraine, it usually goes away on its own but this can take between 4 to 72 hours.

The headache usually starts mild and then develops into throbbing pain.

The symptoms you might experience in this stage include:

Pain on one or both sides of your head. It can start on one side of your head and then migrate to the other side. Sometimes, you also feel it on your entire head.
Being sensitive to light and sound. In some cases, sensitivity to touch and smell is also heightened.

  • Dizziness
  • You feel throbbing or pulsating pain in your head
  • Nausea and/or vomiting

Symptoms After Migraine Attack (Postdrome Stage)

After a migraine attack has passed, you might experience some symptoms which can last from few hours to a few days. They include:

  • Feeling weak in your muscles or experiencing pain
  • Feeling drowsy
  • Pain worsening when you move your head
  • Feeling drained or tired
  • Having low energy
  • Trouble concentrating
  • Feeling confused
  • Some people feel extremely happy


Complications With Migraine, If Left Untreated

Migraine can lead to serious complications if left untreated. Find below some of such complications.

Status Migrainous (Migraine that doesn't go away)

Status migrainous, in Latin means, migraine that doesn’t go away. If you have status migrainous, you have migraine lasting for 3 days. This is draining given that you’ll be having migraine symptoms like:

  • nausea,
  • vomiting, and
  • pain during all this time.

You may feel unable to get up and do your normal activities. You may even need to be hospitalized so that the doctors can manage the pain and discomfort.

Migrainous infarction

This is a migraine that puts you at risk of getting a stroke.

The Stroke Association published their research which showed that people suffering from migraine accompanied by aura are twice at risk of getting stroke at some point in their lives.

Although this migraine is rare, younger women, especially who smoke or are on birth control pills are more susceptible to this complication.

It comes about when the aura lasts longer than one hour. This is a  dangerous condition. In this condition your brain blood vessels constrict and become weak. When they burst and you start bleeding inside your brain, you can develop stroke.

Constant aura with no infarction

Sometimes, you can still experience aura up to a week after your migraine episode. You can experience the same signs as someone having a stroke (which happens with Migrainous infarction explained above) or bleeding from the brain, but when examined, your brain doesn’t show any bleeding.

Some of these signs of stroke you might experience include difficulty speaking or understanding communication, dizziness, loss of vision, and trouble breathing. This condition can go on for months or years.


Migralepsy is a migraine that can trigger someone to have an epileptic seizure. Occurrence of Migalepsy is quite rare. This normally happens when an individual is having a migraine attack or after the attack has passed.

Researchers haven’t yet figured out the connection between migraines and epilepsy but at times they go hand in hand.

Mental health problems

When you have migraine, you may experience mental health issues/anxiety disorders such as bipolar disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), clinical depression, and drug addiction disorders among many others.

The Anxiety and Depression Association of America reported that 40% of people with migraine are also depressed.

Medication-related complications

Many people take painkillers to deal with the pain and discomfort that accompany migraine. Taking too many painkillers can potentially lead to other complications such as:

Abdominal pain: If you take the medication in large doses or for an extended period, you can have abdominal pain and bleeding. Examples of these medicines include ibuprofen and Motrin.

Rebound headache: Another name for this is overuse headache. These are headaches that occur when you take too many pain relievers. When you take over-the-counter pain medication more than ten times in a single month, you may start to experience more headaches. Since you won’t know the cause, you tend take more painkillers and end up with more headaches and the cycle continues.

Serotonin syndrome: This is a condition that occurs when you have excess serotonin in the brain. Although it is rare, you can get it from some pain reliever medications such as antidepressants because they increase your levels of serotonin.

When you have serotonin syndrome, you experience diarrhea, twitching of muscles, heavy sweating. You become confused and easily agitated and your heart rate also goes up.

These symptoms usually manifest hours after taking the medication.

Serotonin syndrome is dangerous because it can give you seizures, and irregular heartbeat, and in some cases, it leads to death.


Migraine Versus Headache

People usually use the terms headache and migraine interchangeably but these two are different. Let’s find out some of the most common differences.

Headache Migraine
  • Is not accompanied by other symptoms.
  • Is accompanied by other symptoms like dizziness, vision problems, and nausea.
  • It affects your entire head.
  • Often migraine is experienced on one side of the head. In some cases, it can also be felt on the entire head.
  • Is caused by hangover, the tension resulting from stress, hunger, swollen or blocked sinuses.
  • Is caused by changes in brain activity.
  • It is not recurring. Once the headache is gone, it doesn’t come back until triggered again.
  • It is recurring. One can experience the same symptoms frequently. Can occur daily for some people.
  • The headache itself occurs in one stage.
  • It can occur in 4 different stages.
  • Headache is mild and one can still go about their normal activities when they have a headache.
  • Migraine can be severe to a point of being hospitalized. When in migraine, it is difficult to perform the normal daily chores.
  • Headache lacks throbbing or pounding.
  • Migraine is accompanied by a pounding or throbbing headache to a point where one might feel like the head is going to explode.
  • Headache doesn’t involve aura. One doesn’t experience sensory issues before a headache.
  • Migraine is sometimes accompanied by aura. One can experience numbness, difficulty in speaking, flashing lights, and blurred vision prior to or during an episode of migraine.
  • Headache goes away faster.
  • Migraine takes longer to go away.


Homeopathic Medicine for Migraine

A homeopathic doctor assesses the migraine symptoms, lifestyle, emotional state, and any peculiar medical condition you may have in order to prescribe the best suited medicine.

Homeopathy provides individualized treatment aimed at getting rid of migraine and improving your overall well-being. Homeopathic medicines perform their act in a safe way and doesn’t subject you to unwanted side effects.

Here are the top 5 common homeopathic medicines that a homeopathic doctor can prescribe for migraine. Please keep in mind, this is not a comprehensive list of medicines. It is recommended to get your medical condition assessed with an expert homeopathic doctor before commencing the treatment.


Belladonna is one of the best homeopathic remedies for curing migraine. A homeopath can prescribe belladonna when you have throbbing or pounding headache. Belladonna is found to be greatly effective when you’re experiencing:

  • Severe headache which makes you feel like your head will explode.
  • When the headache is accompanied by throbbing or pounding.
  • If the headache originates from the area on the back of your head or your neck and then travels to your forehead.
  • If the pain is sudden and you don’t experience the pre migraine or prodromal symptoms.
  • If the pain worsens whenever you move suddenly or you are exposed to light, noise, or cold air.
  • If your face turns hot and red.
  • If you feel more pain while lying down and less when you apply pressure on your head.

Natrum mur

Natrum mur is the best remedy if your migraine arises from stress or grief.

This homeopathic medicine is great in cases where:

  • You only get headaches on the right side of your head.
  • You are going through emotional stress brought about by grief.
  • The migraine worsens when you are exposed to a lot of sun. Therefore, you feel more pain during the day and get relief at night.
  • The migraine come just before your start your monthly periods or afterward
  • The pain worsens when you strain your eyes.
  • You experience tingling or numbing sensation on your face and lips prior to the attack/episodes.
  • If you have sensitivity to light.
  • If you experience temporary blindness when you’re having migraine episodes.
  • The headache you experience feels like someone is hitting your brain with a hammer.


Sanguinaria is best suited when the headaches are always on the right side of your head. It is typically prescribed if you:

  • Experience pain that originates from the back of your head and then moves to your right eye.
  • Have digestive issues.
  • Have headaches that appear at the same time every month or year. For instance, you experience migraine on certain days of every month.
  • Feel better when you sleep or lie down.
  • Are sensitive to light, and noise.
  • Feel better when you vomit, pass gas, or burp.
  • Have tension in your neck and shoulder.


Spigelia is recommended when your migraine headache is concentrated on the left side of your head. It is ideal if:

  • You experience pain on your left side which moves to your left eye.
  • The pain worsens when you move or touch things.
  • You have a violently throbbing headache.
  • You feel a lot of tension in your head like someone has wrapped a band around it.


If the migraine is on the left side of your head and it is also accompanied by nausea and dizziness then Sepia is best suited homeopathic medicine for you. Sepia is usually prescribed if:

  • The pain worsens when you don’t eat.
  • You experience pain in form of shocks.
  • The pain becomes worse when you’re almost having your periods or if you’re going through menopause.
  • You feel more pain when you lie on your left side.
  • You are irritable.
  • You feel cold.
  • You don’t want anyone to demand anything from you.
  • Feel worse when you stay inside.


Home Remedies for Migraines

When you get migraine, your first instinct may be to reach for a pain killer because you just want to get rid of the pain as soon as possible. As described above, excessive use of medicines can lead to serious complications. For an overall well-being, you should always endeavor to minimize you reliance on medicines and introduce more natural home remedies.

Inhale Lavender Oil

A study was conducted on 47 people suffering from migraine attacks. The participants were divided into two groups. One group was told to inhale lavender oil (for approximately 15 minutes) whenever they had migraine headaches and the other group inhaled placebo. Results showed the migraine headaches disappeared much faster for the group that inhaled lavender oil compared to the one on placebo. Whenever the migraine headaches hit you, grab some lavender oil.

Use Ice Pack

Experts do not have an explanation for why placing an ice pack on the forehead helps get rid of the pain. All we know is that it works. So, you can try it. If you don’t have an ice pack, you can dip a piece of cloth in cold water and use it instead.

Go Into Dark Quiet Room

One of the symptoms of migraines is being extra sensitive to light, and maybe touch and sound. Thus, areas with bright lights and a lot of sound/noise are the last places you should be in. Going into a quiet room and drawing the curtains or blinds will help your migraine disappear faster.

Eat Regularly and Drink Lots of Water

Being hungry and dehydrated are some of the things that can trigger a migraine episode. If you want to prevent the attacks then you should eat regularly and drink water throughout the day. When you do this, you will have fewer headaches.

Massage The Scalp

When some people massage their scalps, it helps the migraine go away because it reduces tension in the head and helps more free blood flow. So, this is something you can try. However, if you become sensitive to touch during a migraine attack then this remedy is not for you. It is not wise to put oneself into more pain.


This remedy is effective. However, it comes with a warning. Caffeine helps your blood vessels relax. This makes allows free blood circulation. That is why taking beverages that contain caffeine can get rid of a migraine headache.

As per some studies, caffeine also makes your body absorb migraine relievers faster. That is why it’s used in pain mediation meant to free you from the discomfort associated with migraines.

Be careful not to get addicted to caffeine. When you try to stop, you can experience headaches as one of the withdrawal symptoms. You can get caffeine from coffee, soda, or tea among others.


What To Avoid When Dealing With Migraine?

We know what to do when you get migraine attacks. It’s equally important to know what not to do so as to deal with migraine effectively. Let’s look at some the things you should avoid when dealing with migraine.

Avoid Feeding Your Triggers

Every person dealing with migraine has a peculiar set of triggers. These may differ from one person to another. Maintain a diary to note down your triggers every time you get migraine. This way you know your triggers.    You can consciously plan to avoid such triggers. For example, if you know skipping meals or lack of enough sleep is your trigger then you eat regularly and ensure you get enough sleep.

Avoid Taking Excessive Pain Reliever Drugs

Excessive consumption of pain reliever drugs start making your body dependent on the medication. There comes a point when you can get rebound headaches if you skip drugs. It also puts you at risk of getting addicted to painkillers.

Don't Ignore Migraine Attacks

It is natural to want to ignore a migraine attack because you feel like it’s interrupting your life. You want to carry on with what you were doing. However, ignoring migraine attacks and not taking curative measures can make the symptoms worse.

Avoid Trigger Foods

You realize certain foods trigger your migraine attacks. People have different trigger foods and so you should find out which ones give you migraines. Avoid your trigger foods as much as possible.


What Foods Are Good For Migraine?

The selection of food you eat on regular basis can have provide a great relief from migraine. While it is important for you to track your trigger foods, certain foods are widely labelled as migraine-safe. The list of such foods which are considered food for migraine is given below.

Fresh Foods

Fresh foods are always recommended over processed ones.

This means that the fruits and vegetables you consume are not processed with additives. Since the fresh foods do not have preservatives, they’re less likely to trigger a migraine attack.

Foods Rich in Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Foods like salmon, walnuts, and flax seeds constitute a significant amount of omega-3 fatty acids. You need omega-3 fatty acids to fight inflammation.

The results of a study conducted in 2016 showed that it is not only the consumption of omega-3 fatty acids that mattered, it is the balance between them and omega-6 fatty acids.

Whole Grains

The rich fiber content in whole grains improves your digestive system. Provides you a normal bowel movement. And also reduces your risk of getting heart attacks by lowering your cholesterol. Whole grains help improve your overall health.

Additionally, whole grains don’t have ingredients that can trigger migraines.

Legumes, Fruits, and Vegetables

This category of foods is rich in plant estrogens. During the shedding off process of each menstrual cycle, estrogen level drops drastically. It often triggers migraine episodes in women. Supplementing plant estrogens through such foods helps you maintain a balance.

Needless to say, if you get migraines particularly during this time of the month then vegetables, legumes, and fruits should be your best friends. These foods also provide with you with fiber that helps you get rid of both waste and excess estrogen from your body. This spares you the discomfort of migraines and heavier periods.


Ginger is a great help in fighting nausea that usually accompanies migraine episodes. Ginger has both the pain-relieving and the anti-inflammatory effects.

In a study, 100 people participated to test the effectiveness of ginger and sumatriptan in treating migraines. The headaches experienced by the participants on ginger powder significantly decreased 2 hours after taking it compared to the individuals on sumatriptan.


The first thing you should do when you feel like you’re about to have a migraine is to drink some water. The American Migraine Foundation reported that 30% of people who get migraine attacks are dehydrated. You should take lots of water to avoid triggering a migraine.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between 'migraine with aura' versus 'migraine without aura'?

When you’re having a migraine attack, you can first experience some warning signs like flashing lights (this is known as aura) or the attack can suddenly happen without a warning.

That’s why you might meet two people suffering from migraines but they have completely different experiences. Let’s look at a comparison between migraine with aura and migraine without aura.

Migraine with Aura Migraine without Aura
  • You can experience warning signs (such as hallucinating, or feeling dizzy, tingly or numb) before the migraine strikes.
  • No warning signs are observed.
  • It is comparatively less prevalent. 10-30% of people experience migraine with aura.
  • It is more prevalent. Up to 70-75% of people experience migraine without aura.
  • Is usually accompanied by headaches.
  • You might not get headaches.
  • Occurs in 4  stages, the prodome/prodomal (before the headache), the aura stage, the attack itself (mainly consisting of headache and other signs), and post-prodomal (after the attack).
  • Occurs in 3 stages, the prodome/prodomal (before the headache), the attack itself (mainly consisting of headache and other signs), and post-prodomal (after the attack).
  • Migraine with aura comes with a higher risk of getting a stroke.
  • Migraine without aura has minimal risk of getting a stroke.


Can Homeopathy Cure Migraine?

The answer to this question is a resounding yes. Homeopathy can cure migraine in the most natural effective way. A homeopathic doctor reaches to the root cause, allowing you a holistic and long-term relief from migraine. With uninterrupted regular homeopathic treatment, your migraines can completely disappear.

What is Vestibular Migraine Treatment in Homeopathy?

Vestibular migraine is identified with vertigo. You feel as if you are not able to balance yourself. It is common in vestibular migraine to feel vertigo, difficulty balancing, and dizziness. You often get a feeling as if either you or the objects around you are moving. What sets it apart from the normal migraine is that you may not experience a headache.

Experts have not yet established the exact cause of vestibular migraine but they believe that it occurs when a system in our ears (known as vestibular, hence the name) that is responsible for giving our body stability is affected.

Homeopathy is used to effectively treat this type of migraine without subjecting you to the side effects. Homeopathic remedies such as Belladonna, Cocculus indicus, Conium, and Gelsemium are effective in getting rid of symptoms like sensitivity to light, spinning head, blurred vision, nausea, and vomiting.

Tell me about Ocular Migraine and Visual Migraine; And Its Treatment in Homeopathy?

Ocular and visual migraines refer to subtypes of migraines that involve issues with one’s eyesight. When you experience these types of migraines, you may see stars, zig-zag, shimmering lights, and so on. Also, you may or may not have headaches. 

You can find out if you have a visual or ocular migraine by closing one eye and trying to see with the other. If you have trouble seeing with one eye and the other is perfectly okay then you have ocular migraine but if both of your eyes are affected then that is visual migraine.

These migraines come about when the vessels that transport blood to the visual cortex (section of the brain that deals with receiving and consolidating visual information) shrinks therefore preventing enough blood from flowing into the eye (s).

Homeopathic remedies such as Iris versicolor, Belladonna, Gelsemium, Ephiphagus, and Natrum-mur can help you get relief from these eye issues faster when you’re dealing with ocular or visual migraine.

What is Abdominal Migraine and Its Medicine in Homeopathy?

As the name suggests, abdominal migraine is a type of migraine whereby someone experiences pain in their abdomen as opposed to headaches which are common with the normal migraine.

This migraine is extremely rare in adults. Instead, it mainly affects kids especially between the ages of 5 and 9. According to the American Migraine Foundation, abdominal migraine usually disappears in about 66% of kids when they become teenagers. Also, 50-70% of children will, later on, develop the normal migraine whose main component is headaches.

The homeopathic medicines used to treat abdominal migraine include Belladonna (if one feels an intense pain as if someone’s cutting their stomach), Bryonia (if the pain feels like a stitch and it worsens if they make any movement), or Colocynthis (if the cutting pain they experience feels like cramps and if they feel better when they press their abdomen).

What is Homeopathy Medicine and Treatment for Complex Migraine?

If you feel like you’re having a stroke during your migraine attacks then you might be having a complex migraine.

We’ve talked about experiencing aura which is a signal that you are about to have a migraine. When you suffer from complex migraine, the aura goes on longer than usual and you experience the symptoms of someone who’s having a stroke. So you may not be able to speak well, you may lose your eyesight temporarily and feel generally dizzy and weak. Its main component is that one side of your body becomes temporarily weak, almost like you’re paralyzed.

This type of migraine is also referred to as hemiplegic migraine. According to researchers, there are particular genes (SCNIA, ATP1A2, and CACNA1A) that are responsible for this type of migraine. The Stroke Association reported that those with parents battling hemiplegic/complex migraine are at 50% risk of also getting it.

Belladonna is the best homeopathic remedy for curing this migraine.

What is Homeopathy Medicine and Treatment for Left-Side Migraine?

You may have a migraine attack but only the left side of your head is affected.

Some of the apt homeopathic medicines effective for left-side migraine include Spigelia (especially if you feel like there’s a tight band around your head), Sepia (if you experience severe pain to the point of crying or vomiting), Nux-vom (if the headache is accompanied by sour taste or nausea) and Arsenic-alb (if the throbbing is prominently over your left eye).

What is Homeopathy Medicine and Treatment for Menstrual Migraine?

Statistics show that less than 10% of females experience menstrual migraines. As the name suggests, this migraine manifests itself around the time of your menstrual period (2 days before and 3 days into your period).

This migraine comes about when your hormone levels fluctuate significantly which happens during a woman’s menstrual cycle. If your ovaries release an egg and it’s not fertilized then there is a steep drop in the levels of estrogen and progesterone. This sudden drop can potentially lead to menstrual migraine.

The remedies that a homeopathic doctor will likely recommend for menstrual migraine are Cocculus, Natrum mur, Belladonna, Sepia (especially if your menstrual flow is scanty), and Sanguinaria (particularly if it is accompanied by heavy flow).


Concluding Thoughts on Homeopathy for Migraine Treatment

Individuals have different experiences when dealing with migraines. The common thing is that these episodes are uncomfortable, painful, interfere with the way you function, and in some cases, can be life-threatening. Migraine, even if at early stage, should not be left untreated. Homeopathy offers an excellent opportunity to cure the migraine in the most natural way.



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 About the Author
Dr. Sanchita Dharne is one of the best homeopathic doctors in Gurgaon, Delhi NCR area for treatment of migraine in women. She is a seasoned homeopath in delivering homeopathic treatment to health issues pertaining to women. The doctor practices classical homeopathy and believes in root-cause treatment with stimulation of body's natural healing mechanism. Schedule appointment with the doctor for online homeopathic consultation.


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Homeopathic treatment of migraine - review and 5-star rating by patient.

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