Title image for blog article on homeopathic treatment of uterine fibroids written by Dr. Sanchita Dharne. Dr. Sanchita Dharne is a leading homeopath for treatment of uterine fibroids in Delhi NCR and Gurgaon area.

Homeopathy for Treatment of Uterine Fibroids

Sachin Dharne

Uterine fibroids are benign tumors that form in the uterus. While most women will never know they have them, for others uterine fibroids can cause heavy menstrual bleeding, pelvic pain, and other symptoms. There is no one-size-fits-all cure for uterine fibroids. Development of uterine fibroids can be attributed to deep rooted causes. I've seen reasonably effective results with homeopathic treatment of uterine fibroids to my patients.

In this article, I've explored what is uterine fibroids and how homeopathic treatment may help to shrink the fibroids. Keep reading for more information on specific homeopathic remedies that may be beneficial for this condition.


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Homeopathic Treatment: Effective Cure to Shrink Fibroids

Homeopathy has proven to be quite effective way for treatment of uterine fibroids. The precise selection of the appropriate homeopathic medicine is capable of shrinking fibroids, and can even eradicate them completely in some cases. Homeopathic treatment for uterine fibroids is based on natural remedies which are safe and free from side effects. Homeopathic treatment of fibroids in uterus depend on the patient's unique symptoms. It also depends upon type and location of the fibroids. In the long run, homeopathy treatment successfully dissolves fibroids. Homeopathic medicines are also very effective in regularizing menstrual bleeding. They help strengthen the immune system and make sure that the fibroids never return again. Homeopathy treatment for fibroids can also be used during pregnancy. The length of treatment varies depending on the size and number of fibroids. In most cases, fibroid-induced symptoms such as heavy menstrual bleeding, and urinary frequency; usually gets resolved remarkably within a month or two of receiving the correct homeopathic medicine. Homeopathic treatment of fibroids is fully integrated, and therefore not only cures the fibroids but also works on improving the overall health. This method brings about hormonal balance, and improves immunity. Homeopathic remedies present a good option for patients who want to avoid surgery.

Uterine fibroids are tumor growths that occur on the walls of the uterus, in women of childbearing age. These tumors are mostly non-cancerous or benign. Uterine fibroids are also called uterine leiomyoma.

In terms of size, to give you a perspective. Uterine Fibroids are as small as an apple seed. And they can be as large as a grape fruit. A lot of women that have fibroids don't usually experience any symptoms. While others experience symptoms like pain, bleeding, and the rest; which is explained further in this article. Uterine fibroids are almost always non-cancerous. When a fibroid is cancerous, which is usually very rare, it is called leiomyosarcoma.


Prevalence of Uterine Fibroids

Fibroids are more common in women from age 30 to age 50. According to the Office of Women's Health (OWH), 20% to 80% of females develop fibroids by age of 50. The prevalence of uterine fibroids ranged from 4.5% (UK) to 9.8% (Italy), reaching 9.4% (UK) to 17.8% (Italy) in the age group of 40-49 years. The highest incidence of uterine fibroids was seen in Pakistani women (78%), in rural Indian women (37.65%), and in urban India (24%).


Types of Fibroids

Image is a graphical representation of types of fibroids. It describes three types of uterine fibroids. Subserosal fibroids, intra-mural fibroids, and submucosal fibroids. It also shows pedunculated fibroids, which are fibroids with attached to uterus with a stock.


There are three main types of uterine fibroids;

  1. Sub serosal fibroids,
  2. Intramural fibroids, and
  3. Submucosal fibroids.

This classification usually depends on the location of the fibroids.

Sub serosal fibroids usually grow outside the uterus. They are the most common types of fibroids.

Intramural fibroids grow inside the muscular wall of the uterus.

While submucosal fibroids grow in the open space inside the uterus, which is the uterine cavity below the layer of the uterus.

Some fibroids can also become pedunculated, in which, fibroids are attached to the uterus with a stock.


Signs and Symptoms of Uterine Fibroids

Many females usually experience no signs and symptoms of uterine fibroids. However, those that experience symptoms usually go through things like:

  • Heavy menstrual bleeding, which can lead to anemia
  • Prolonged menstrual periods
  • Pelvic pressure or pain
  • Frequent urination
  • Constipation
  • Backache
  • Leg pain
  • Difficulty emptying the bladder
  • Painful periods
  • Pain during sexual activity
  • Discomfort or feeling of fullness in the lower abdomen, especially in the case of large fibroids

Fibroids have also been linked with fertility problems. It may also cause problems during pregnancy and labor, increasing the chance of needing a cesarean delivery.




What are Possible Causes of Uterine Fibroids?

Exact causes of uterine fibroids remain unclear. However, some of the causes can be linked to uterine fibroids. Let's have a look at what are such possible causes of uterine fibroids.

Genetics | Family History

Genetics or family history may be linked to the development of fibroids. It has been observed that large number of women with fibroids have history of fibroids within their respective family trees.

For instance, women whose mothers and sisters had fibroids, have an increased risk for developing them too.

Unhealthy eating habits

Research has shown evidence that the consumption of alcohol, caffeine and red meat are associated with an increased risk of fibroids.

Overweight and obesity

Overweight and obesity are also associated with an increased risk of fibroids. Women with troubled with obesity have 2-3 times higher chances of developing fibroids.

Hormonal imbalance

Another factor that is associated with fibroids is hormonal imbalance. During a person’s reproductive years, the estrogen and progesterone levels are higher. According a 13-year long study conducted on 3,240 women; high level of testosterones and estrogen are found to be increasing the risk of developing fibroids. This can happen during or after menopause.

High blood pressure

Research has also shown a link between high blood pressure and fibroids. Elevated blood pressure may cause injury to the smooth muscle cell, releasing cytokines that increase the risk of uterine fibroid growth.

Other causes

The deficiency of vitamin D, and menstruation at an early age is also risk factors for uterine fibroids.


Prevention Measures and Control of Uterine Fibroids

Prevention of uterine fibroids completely, may not be possible. However, only a small percentage of these fibroid tumors require treatment. Making healthy lifestyle and diet choices can be immensely helpful in keeping a distance from uterine fibroids.

Let’s see some of the useful tips for prevention of uterine fibroids.

  • Maintaining Normal Weight
  • Taking Regular Exercise
  • Fruits and Vegetables Consumption: Eating fresh fruits and green veggies like collard green, cauliflowers, tulip greens, arugula, cabbage, and broccoli could help lower your odds
  • Cutting Alcohol Consumptions: Cutting back on your alcohol intake really helps to reduce the risk of fibroids. Alcohol raises the level of hormones needed for fibroids to grow. So, limiting alcohol intake can help reduce the risk of uterine fibroids.
  • Taking Green Tea: The use of green tea extracts, and drinking green tea could also help against fibroids.
  • Taking Vitamin-D Supplements: You can also take vitamin D supplements along with foods like egg yolks, cod liver oil, fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel, and tuna, fortified milk, cereals, and orange juice to help increase your vitamin D levels, thereby reducing your risk of having fibroids.


Diet for Prevention and Treatment of Uterine Fibroids

Now there are some set of foods you should eat, and some other set of foods you should avoid, if you have fibroids. As regulated diet can help in prevention and treatment of uterine fibroids. It helps in easing the symptoms and the associated complications.

Foods Rich in Fiber

Foods rich in fiber like cooked and raw fruits and vegetables, dried fruits, oats, cruciferous vegetables (like turnips, cabbage, arugula, etc.), whole grain bread, lentils and barley help to aid weight loss and balance hormones. You should consider making these foods part of your regular diet.

Potassium-rich Foods

Also, potassium-rich foods like avocado, potatoes, tomatoes, bananas, lentils, oat bran, citrus, collard greens, and dates help to balance the blood pressure, which then reduces your risk for fibroids. These foods should also be added to your diet.

Dairy-based Foods

Also add dairy products such as yoghurt and full-fat cheese to your diet. Dairy products are very rich in calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus. These minerals can be helpful in preventing fibroids and slow down their growth.


What To Avoid, When You Have Fibroids?

If you have fibroids, you should avoid foods such as:

  • Foods high in sugar and carbohydrates like glucose, table sugar, white bread, pasta, flour, potato chips, crackers, corn syrup, energy bars, and soda and other sugary drinks. These foods may trigger or even worsen fibroids. They increase the blood sugar levels, causing weight gain and affecting fibroid growth.
  • Foods such as red meat, soy beans and milk, tofu, and flax seed have negative effects when consumed in high amounts. These foods may also increase the estrogen levels in the body, thereby, increasing the risk of having fibroids.
Schedule an appointment with Dr. Sanchita Dharne for homeopathic treatment of uterine fibroids.


How Do You Find Out If You Have Fibroids? (Fibroids Testing)

Various tests really help you have a clear understanding of presence of the fibroids. Tests and examinations can also determine the size, and location of fibroids. Some of the important tests and examinations are listed below.

Pelvic Examination

Pelvic examination is the very first test, and it’s also the most basic primary test. It is physical examination of the pelvis. Uterine fibroids are most usually found during a physical exam of the pelvis, where the doctor may feel firm, irregular lumps in your uterus, suggesting the presence of fibroids.


The ultrasound test is usually the most common test carried out for fibroids. This test uses sound waves to get a picture of your uterus to confirm the presence of the fibroids. It also maps out and measures the size of the fibroids that may be present in your uterus.

This is usually done in two ways.

The doctor/technician moves the ultrasound device (called a transducer) over your abdomen (which is called the transabdominal ultrasound scan), or places it inside your vagina (which is called the transvaginal ultrasound scan) to get images of your uterus.

This test is required to absolutely confirm the presence of fibroids. It is required at the stage where the doctor, after the physical exam may think that the patient have fibroids. The doctor orders the test to be absolutely sure. This test helps to show the location and actual size of the fibroids that may be present in the uterus.

In the case of where you may have abnormal menstrual bleeding, your doctor may request for lab tests. These lab tests may involve the evaluation of blood counts and other tests to determine if you may have anemia or any bleeding disorder, as a result of probably severe blood loss.

Apart from ultrasound and lab tests, there are also other tests that your doctor may conduct if the ultrasound and the lab tests are unable to provide enough information.

MRI - Magnetic Resonance Imaging

This test shows in more detail the size and location of fibroids. It also identifies different types of tumors and helps to determine the best type of treatment option for the fibroids. MRI is most commonly used in women with a large uterus or in women approaching menopause.


This test involves your doctor inserting a small, thin, and lighted instrument which is called a hysteroscope. This hysteroscope is inserted through your vagina and cervix into your uterus. No incision is usually needed. Instead, your doctor injects saline into your uterus, which now expands the uterine cavity, allowing your doctor to examine your uterus and openings of your fallopian tubes for fibroids.


Another imaging test is hysterosonography. In this test, your doctor uses a hysterosonogram/saline sonogram to see inside the uterus. This is done by the infusion of sterile saline to expand the uterine cavity, in order to get images of submucosal fibroids and lining of the uterus, especially in women who have heavy menstrual bleeding.

HSG - Hysterosalpingography

Hysterosalpingography (HSG) is another test for women with infertility issues. This test checks inside the uterine cavity and the fallopian tubes. It uses special dyes to highlight the uterus and fallopian tubes on X-ray images. This test can help your doctor check if your fallopian tubes are blocked, and it can also show submucosal fibroids.


In laparascopy, the doctor makes small incisions near your navel. Then the doctor inserts a laparoscope; which is a long, thin instrument with a bright light and camera, into your abdomen and pelvis. This laparoscope helps your doctor see the uterus and other surrounding structures. It also helps the doctor determine if you have any conditions of endometriosis.


Complications, if Uterine Fibroids are Left Untreated or Neglected

Uterine fibroids, if left untreated can lead to many other health complications. Some of the prominent ones are listed below.

Pain and Bleeding

If untreated, uterine fibroids can invite constant severe pain and bleeding. You can feel extreme pain in lower abdomen and/or lower back. Pain and bleeding is often severe during intercourse. Menstrual flow can be accompanied with heavy bleeding. Some women have bleeding between two consecutive periods. The severe pain and heavy bleeding in some cases may lead to surgery.


Untreated fibroids lead to heavy bleeding resulting in anemia. Which also means your body has inadequate hemoglobin. At a comparatively milder stage, you can feel weakness, fatigued, headache, etc. However the severe stages can pose more serious threats such as heart problems, fertility and pregnancy issues, etc.

Urinary Tract Infections (UTI)

Due to the fibroid pressing on the bladder, which makes it hard for the person to empty her bladder completely.

Twisting of the Fibroids

Which can cause blocked blood vessels that feed the tumor.

Female Infertility

In some cases, uterine fibroid complications may also lead to infertility. It can block the fallopian tubes, thereby disallowing the free passage of egg and sperm. Which in turn hampers the chances of fertilization leading to infertility.

Pregnancy Complications 

If you’re pregnant, there’s a small risk that fibroids may cause complications such as - 

    • Premature birth: Due to fibroids taking up space in the uterus. Pregnant women with fibroids are at an increased risk of premature delivery.
    • Blockage of birth canal: The fibroids may block the birth canal or put the baby in a dangerous position. If this happens, then a cesarean delivery may become necessary, and you may also have heavy bleeding right after giving birth.
    • Ectopic pregnancy: The blockages to the fallopian tubes caused by fibroids hinders the free movement of sperm and egg. A fertilized egg, therefore is restricted from implanting in the uterus, leading to ectopic pregnancy.


Homeopathic Medicine for Uterine Fibroids Treatment

There are numerous homeopathic medicines and their combinations which can be effective for the treatment of uterine fibroids. Find below a curated list of some of the top homeopathic medicines for the treatment of uterine fibroids.

Thlaspi Bursa Pastoris

Thlaspi Bursa Pastoris is considered the best medicine for uterine fibroids with long extended menses. Most suited to:

  • Uterine fibroids cases with cramps and with expulsion of large  clots
  • Fibroids with irregular menstrual bleeding with violent colic which aggravates on rising
  • Every alternate period is extremely profuse
  • Leucorrhea with voluptuous itching
  • Period comes one after other within a gap of 7 days

Ustilago Maydis

In cases of uterine fibroids with profuse menstruation, Ustilago Maydis is the best suited remedy.

  • The blood is very dark, clotted, offensive and forming large, black strings.
  • Hypertrophy of uterus and sub involution of uterus with fibroids.
  • Leucorrhoea is yellow or brownish, and foul smelling.
  • There is constant pain under left breast in between periods.
  • It is also highly recommended for fibroids during menopause.

Fraxinus Americana

Fraxinus Americana is a go-to remedy when the cases of fibroids show indications of -  enlarged, heavy, and prolapsed uterus. The patient often has strong bearing down feeling. There is severe pain in left lower abdomen during menses.

Trillium Pendulum

Trillium Pendulum is highly recommended when –

  • The patient gets menses after every 15 days
  • The menses are profuse, with severe pain. And it is accompanied by a sensation as if bones of hip, back and thighs are forced apart or falling to pieces. The patient feels better by tight bandaging.
  • Menses comes with faintness and sinking down feeling in stomach. And the discharge is extremely sticky in nature
  • There is also profuse leucorrhoea of yellow in color

Erigeron Canadensis 

Fibroids with frequent urination is the major indication for this medicine - Erigeron Canadensis. Suitable for patients who sometimes feel severe pain during urination. This is accompanied with irregular bleeding between two consecutive periods due to even a slight physical exertion, or sexual intercourse. This homeopathic medicine is also recommended in case there has been an abortion caused due to fibroids.

Calcarea Carbonica

Calcarea Carbonica is indicated in cases of fibroids with hypothyroidism. It is most effective:

  • When periods are very heavy, long lasting with shivering, and sensitivity towards cold;
  • Excessive pain in uterus during menstruation
  • Prolonged and heavy menstrual bleeding
  • Menstruation accompanied by vertigo, toothache and cold damp feet
  • Easy displacement of uterus
  • Burning and itching in genitals before as well as after menstruation


Final Thoughts on Homeopathy for Treatment of Uterine Fibroids

Complications with uterine fibroids are overwhelming. If neglected, it can lead to infertility, tubal blockages, premature births, etc. Homeopathy for endometriosis treatment is an effective natural solution. You've to work with your homeopathic doctor in identifying the root causes of your fibroids. And then follow the treatment procedure with discipline and patience. Numerous women have witnessed the long lasting benefits. You can be one of them.


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About the Author
Dr. Sanchita Dharne, recognized as the best homeopathic doctor in Gurgaon, is an expert for treatment of uterine fibroids. She has an impeccable record in delivering effective treatment to chronic ailments pertaining to women and children. Book Appointment for online homeopathic consultation with the doctor.




Disclaimer: Please don’t consume these medicines without the prescription of an expert homeopath. The list above is not a comprehensive list of all the medicines. An expert homeopath, prescribes combination of medicines on the basis of your case and various symptoms pertaining to the same.

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I have large fibroid of 9 cm subsarosal , I am unmarried with age of 36, Don’t want to go for surgery. Please suggest if this can be cured with Homeopathy


Fibroid hi jiska saij 9.5 mmhi

Archna panday

I have been recently detected with bulky uterus with large fibroid hb as low as 7.5.Heavy bleeding which lasts for 7-8 days since childhood, went under cyst removal thrice. Need non surgical option as I can’t go for any more surgery. Kindly help with online consultation.


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