PCOS Irregular Periods - Homeopathic Treatment by Dr. Sanchita Dharne, Elixir Homeopathy, Gurgaon Delhi NCR area.

Irregular Periods in PCOS (Homeopathy Treatment) - Natural Cure That Works

Dr. Sanchita Dharne

Homeopathy treatment for irregular periods with PCOS provides effective natural cure. Homeopathy treatment resolves the issues at the core and hence it is long-lasting treatment solution.

Cases of Irregular periods and PCOS are on an upswing these days. Blame it to unhealthy life habits, environmental factors, stress, or exertion. An increasing number of women are opting for homeopathy as a potent natural treatment solution to cure irregular periods.

Irregular periods and PCOS are affecting lives in more ways than one. It is physically draining. It is mentally disturbing. And it comes with a bag of other health complications.



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Homeopathy Treatment for Irregular Periods with PCOS

Homeopathy treatment has been proven to show lasting results in managing irregular periods with PCOS. Homeopathy treatment primarily focuses on fixing the root causes attributed to the problem. The treatment procedure focuses on:

  • restoring the normal menstrual cycle,
  • restoring the hormone balance, and
  • regularizing ovulation.


Are Irregular Periods Something to Worry About?

Irregular periods is tip of the iceberg. Irregular periods are indication of underlying health issues such as PCOS, fibroids, endometriosis, injuries to reproductive organs, infection to pelvic area, inflammation, and hormone imbalance. Elixir Homeopathy, based out of Gurgaon - Delhi NCR area, offers effective treatment for irregular periods.

Yes. One should be worried of irregular periods.

Irregular period is an indicator. It is an indicator that something wrong is going on within your body.

It can be anything such as hormone imbalance, PCOS, fibroids, endometriosis, injuries to reproductive organs, infection in pelvic area, or inflammation.

Irregular period is just the tip of the iceberg. It is, therefore, important to deal with irregular periods in timely manner.

When the complications become severe, they can potentially lead to issues such as infertility, diabetes, cancer, etc.


Possible Causes of Irregular Periods

Unhealthy Lifestyle

Leading an unhealthy lifestyle is prominent cause of irregular periods. This includes - not getting enough sleep, gorging on the processed foods, lack of regular physical exercise, indulging in excessive smoking or consumption of alcohol. Likewise, excessive stress and exertion contribute their bit towards irregular periods. Frequent travelling, abrupt weight-gain or weight-loss, and prolonged illness also contributes towards irregular periods.

Health Issues

Existence of some of the health issues, particularly pertaining to reproductive system, also causes irregular periods. Some of the such health problems are – fibroids, endometriosis, PID (Pelvic Inflammatory Disease), polyps, POI (Primary Ovarian Insufficiency), hypothyroidism, etc.


Certain medications disturb the period cycle causing condition of irregular periods. Drugs or medicines such as birth control pills, blood thinners, steroids affects the period cycle.


What has PCOS got to do with Irregular Periods?

PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) is an endocrine disorder. It is a growing health problem in women these days. It directly impacts metabolism. And can lead to several other health complications including irregular periods, infertility, hirsutism, acne, weight-gain, hair loss, and much more. Hormone imbalance is often associated with PCOS. And hence, Irregular Periods is a common feature of PCOS.

Strictly technically speaking, irregular periods do not necessarily mean you have PCOS. However, it is an indication that you might have PCOS.

In order to diagnose PCOS, there is one more condition among the two that has to be ascertained as per Rotterdam Criteria.

One of them is hyperandrogenism. And the other is presence of polycystic ovaries.

Hyperandrogenism, as the name suggests, literally means excess of androgen. Look for male-pattern hair growth on your body. Particularly on upper lips, chin etc. This is an indication of hyperandrogenism.

Presence of ovarian cysts can be detected by scans.

So, if you have irregular periods; you should look out for presence of one of these other two conditions in order to rule out the possibility of PCOS.

A good number of patients that come to me have wrong notions or have misconceptions about irregular periods.

Some assume that if their period cycle does not achieve the exact 28-days window, they have irregular periods.

While some others come to me with a calendar where they have marked the projected date of menstruation. If they miss the date even by a whisker, they start feeling jittery. And tend to pass a verdict in favor irregular periods.

Some of them assume that if the menstruation doesn’t last for exactly the 5 days, then they have irregular periods.

Now there is no harm in being cautious. Just don’t take any wrong measures at the cost of caution.


What exactly does Irregular Periods mean?

Most of us have wrong notions about irregular periods. Let’s find out what exactly is meant by irregular periods. Let’s try and understand where exactly does that line exist which, divides regular periods from irregular.

A typical regular period cycle is of 28 days.

That said, the cycle can be considered normal it falls anywhere between 21 days to 35 days.

What if your cycle does not fall within this range?

If your cycle is less than 21 days, you have more frequent instances of menstruation. This condition is called Polymenorrhea. Achieving pregnancy becomes difficult in such situation. It does not menat that it is not impossible to get pregnant. The possibility to get preganant exists in case of polymenorrhea.

Polymenorrhea can occur naturally. It is an indication of possible presence of issues such as:

  • Fibroids
  • Endometriosis
  • Polyps
  • Ovulation problems
  • Cancerous tumors
  • Adenomyosis, etc.

If you have cycle of less than 21 days (i.e. polymenorrhea), just get an opinion from a doctor to assess the situation further.

Now, what if you have a cycle longer than 35 days? That means you have less frequent cycles. This condition is called Oligomenorrhea. In this condition you can have anywhere between 4 to 9 cycles in a year.

Oligomenorrhea can be an indication of certain issues such as:

  • PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome)
  • PID (Pelvic Inflammatory Disease)
  • Ovarian cysts
  • POI (Primary Ovarian Insufficiency)

There are other issues too that can lead to Oligomenorrhea. Visit your doctor to identify the issues and find the right course of treatment.

There is one more problem that can be associated with periods. And that is “absence of periods”. This condition is called Amenorrhea.

Amenorrhea can occur with a girl who has celebrated her 15th birthday and still struggling to get periods. That means, she has hit her puberty and not able to observe menarche. This is called Primary Amenorrhea.

Amenorrhea can also occur in a woman who has been having regular periods, but suddenly found absence of periods for 3 or more cycles. This condition is called Secondary Amenorrhea.

Amenorrhea cannot be termed as a disease per se. It indicates existence of certain health problems such as:

  • Problem with the ovaries
  • Problem with the other parts of reproductive system such as uterus, fallopian tubes, etc.
  • Presence of PCOS
  • Presence of Hormone Imbalance
  • Existence of Hypothyroidism
  • Problem with Pituitary Gland, etc.

Visit your doctor and get a thorough assessment done to avoid any future complications.


Menstruation and Irregular Periods

Menstruation is an important aspect of periods which is worth considering.

Menstruation is that particular part of the cycle when the discharge occurs. The discharge comprises partly blood and partly endometrial tissues.

It can last from 3 to 5 days. It can vary in quantity and quality both.

In normal circumstances there is a consistency in menstruation of a woman. The number of days is consistent. Even the quantity and quality are also consistent with reasonable deviation.

If you observe substantial inconsistency to this pattern, you can consider it to be a part of irregular periods. For instance, you can find that the discharge is scanty at times and it is profuse at some other times. The duration of menstruation varies with each cycle. Consider these as signs of Irregular Periods.


Situations When Irregular Periods is Acceptable

Irregular period is not always undesirable. There are situations when Irregular Periods is normal and acceptable. Find below the list of such conditions.

When you hit puberty, it is normal to have irregular periods for initial one or two years
Similarly, there is tendency to have irregular periods at the advent of menopause
During early pregnancy, you can have irregular periods
When you are using contraceptives for birth control, you can have irregular periods.


Why Does PCOS Cause Irregular Periods in Some Women?

Your body needs a perfect hormonal balance between female sex hormones and male sex hormones in order to regulate a normal period cycle.

The hormone balance can be impacted by reasons like insulin resistance, stress, exertion, hypothyroidism, sudden change in weight, etc.

Irregular period is one of the three criteria to diagnose PCOS, as per Rotterdam Criteria. When you have PCOS you have one or both of the rest of the criteria.

That means, you have either hyperandrogenism or ovarian cysts or both, in addition to irregular periods.

Hyperandrogenism is excess of androgen. Androgen are male pattern hormones. And excess of it, just means that the male pattern is dominating. This has a direct impact to the periods.

Other condition that you may have, is presence of ovarian cysts. In this condition cysts are developed in and around ovaries. These are follicles which are supposed to be dissolved but remain undissolved and form cysts.

Ovaries are responsible for controlling periods by producing hormones like estrogen, progesterone and others.

Presence of ovarian cysts, disturbs the normal functioning of the ovaries. This eventually leads to irregular periods.

In a nutshell, if you have irregular periods, there are high chances you have PCOS.


Prevalence of PCOS and Irregular Periods

Globally, PCOS is the most common cause of menstrual irregularity and infertility. It is estimated that over 10% women of reproductive age are suffering from PCOS. Prevalence of PCOS is staggering 50% in teenage girls. That just goes to show this menace is only going to grow.

In India, according to a 2019 report, it was found that nearly 20% of women in reproductive age suffered from PCOS and a higher number of them are undiagnosed.

Lack of awareness is one of the biggest contributors to the accelerating growth of PCOS cases.

In one study in India, it was found that nearly 70% women are unaware and undiagnosed of this disease. If their periods are irregular, they might not even consider PCOS as a cause.


Signs and Symptoms of Irregular Periods Due to PCOS

How do you identify if your irregular periods are linked to PCOS? Here are some common signs and symptoms of irregular periods due to PCOS. Some of the early signs are given below.

Persistent trend of delay or early arrival of periods

Periods with PCOS are hard to keep track of. Menstrual cycles are constantly longer than 35 days or shorter than 21 days.

Inconsistency in period discharge

PCOS affects the bleeding during periods. Though there is no specific quantity of blood you should lose during periods, every individual has a more-or-less set pattern. If you observe abnormalities in your pattern of menstruation, you should consider this to be sign of irregular periods. Sudden increase or decrease in your discharge for consecutive months might be an early sign of PCOS. In delayed periods the uterine lining builds up for a longer period of time before shedding. This causes heavy bleeding.

Scanty discharge

Discharge in low quantity is scanty discharge. Scanty discharge is also undesirable.

Severe period cramps

Though periods are typically painful in general, it gets even more severe during PCOS. Due to irregular periods and heavier discharge, your period cramps may get even more severe than usual.

Some of the later stage symptoms include:

Longer delays in periods

If your periods stop for few consecutive months or if you get less than 8 periods every year, this is a cause for concern.


PCOS is one of the leading causes of infertility, because of the constant gap in ovulations caused by irregular periods. Women may later have difficulty in conceiving or they may have to deal with complications after conceiving.


Indian Home Remedies for Treatment of Irregular Periods Naturally

More often than not, I am asked this question by patients - "how can I treat my irregular periods naturally?". The answer lies in Indian home remedies. Indian home remedies are potent for treatment of irregular periods naturally. Good part is they are easily accessible. That said, adapting a healthy lifestyle, and embracing healthy eating habits, goes a long way in managing PCOS.

Certain specific food items are greatly impactful. Such as ginger, cinnamon, pineapple, papaya, and turmeric. They have anti-inflammatory properties. You should make them part of your daily diet. Cinnamon, in particular, is even proven to be effective in regulating periods and helping with cramps.

If you are burdened with overweight, shedding just up to 5 to 10% of your whole-body weight can help you witness some early wins in your battle against PCOS. Regular and moderate exercise helps you maintain a healthy weight. Couple it with controlled diet. Many research studies have shown that losing weight improves dysmenorrhea, painful period cramps, and makes the periods more regular.

The benefits of Vitamin D are wide-ranging. Most of us don’t know that a lack of vitamin D can contribute towards irregular periods. In a study conducted in 2015, on 77 participants; it was found that there is a direct link between vitamin D deficiency and irregular periods. It was found that women with oligomenorrhea and amenorrhea had significantly lower vitamin D concentrations than women with regular cycles.


Potential Risks and Complications Associated with Irregular Periods

Irregular periods, if not managed at early stage, can potentially lead to much severe risks and complications. Find below list of some such common complications.


Irregular period is one of the primary causes of infertility. Even if you are able to conceive, the road ahead can be far from smooth. Women with irregular period patterns are more prone to having miscarriages or giving premature births.

Endometrial Cancer

Irregular periods cause layering of uterine walls. This can lead to constant abnormal uterine bleeding during periods. And can potentially result into Endometrial Cancer.

Bone Density

Irregular periods also impact your bone density.

Cardiovascular Disease

Women with irregular periods are more prone to cardiovascular disease.


The risks of irregular periods also extend to stress and psychological damage. Stress arising due to irregular periods can cause mental disturbance. The sleep patterns can be disturbed too. 


Schedule online consultation for PCOS treatment with the best homeopathic doctor. 


How Effectively Does Homeopathy Treatment Work for Irregular Periods with PCOS?

Homeopathy treatment is proven to have a high success rate in delivering treatment for irregular periods and PCOS symptoms.

A study was presented by Dr. Deepak Sharma in 2nd International Conference and Exhibition on Traditional & Alternative Medicine in Beijing, China. As per the study, 132 patients of PCOS who were otherwise not being treated, were delivered homeopathy treatment. Successful results of homeopathy treatment of PCOS was observed for 91 of them, that is close to 69%. Others were either showing improvement or opted out of the treatment. And just 4 were classified as difficult to treat.

In my own clinical practice, I’ve witnessed complex cases of irregular periods. With regular homeopathic treatment they have been able to successfully beat the problem of irregular periods.

While treatment of any PCOS case, it is my first priority to bring the periods to normalcy. It paves way for the successful treatment of rest of the problems.


Concluding Thoughts: Homeopathy Treatment of Irregular Periods

Homeopathy treatment offers the most natural cure to the problem of irregular periods. Irregular periods coupled with PCOS is recipe for havoc. The importance of tackling these problems at the earlier stage is sufficiently elaborated. The myths surrounding irregular periods are to be debunked. Ignorance and unawareness is the biggest roadblock in curing irregular periods. Do not hesitate to contact your doctor and discuss the issues threadbare.


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About the Author
Dr. Sanchita Dharne, recognized as the best homeopathic doctor for PCOS in Gurgaon, Delhi NCR area. She is an expert for homeopathic treatment of gynecological issues including irregular periods, PCOS, female infertility, endometriosis, fibroids, etc. She is an ardent follower of classical homeopathy. She believes in stimulating natural healing mechanism of body.
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