PCOS myths debunked. Facts you should know about PCOS.

7 PCOS Myths Debunked - Facts Nobody Tells You About PCOS

Dr. Sanchita Dharne

If you've been recently diagnosed with PCOS, chances are you've already heard all sorts of myths and rumors about this condition. But how much do we really know? In this article, I cover some of the common myths about PCOS I've encountered with my patients. Let's debunk such PCOS myths with real facts. This can help you have a better understanding of what it's like living with this often misunderstood condition called PCOS. From the symptoms to treatments and lifestyle tips – here's everything you need to know about PCOS that nobody tells you! 

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Myth #1 – If you are overweight, you’ve PCOS

Despite popular belief, weight is not the sole determinant of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS). While it can increase a person's risk - among other factors like hormone imbalance and high levels of male hormones - being overweight does not guarantee someone has PCOS. Likewise, having a healthy bodyweight doesn't mean you don't have the condition; in reality there are many contributing elements to consider when diagnosing this complex hormonal disorder.

Though carrying an extra few pounds may increase your risk of developing PCOS, there are many other factors at play such as hormone imbalance, insulin resistance and high levels of male hormones.

Genetics, lifestyle choices and environmental influences also contribute to having PCOS symptoms.

In short: having too much weight on the scale will likely influence your diagnosis but it is certainly not determinative!


Myth #2: If you don’t have polycystic ovaries, you don’t have PCOS

Many people incorrectly assume that having polycystic ovaries is essential for a diagnosis of PCOS. In reality, up to 70% of women with PCOS do not have polycystic ovaries. Rather, other criteria such as menstrual irregularities and excess of androgens must be present in order to make an accurate determination.

So even if you don't see any overt signs that indicate the presence of polycystic ovaries, it’s worth exploring whether or not other symptoms could point to a possible diagnosis for PCOS in consultation with your doctor.

While finding out you don’t possess polycystic ovaries may seem like good news on first thought, if any additional symptoms are present it could still indicate PCOS so talking with your doctor about getting tested is recommended!

Ultimately, even without the presence of polycystic ovaries, speaking with your doctor about getting tested for other markers associated with PCOS could prove worthwhile in providing an accurate assessment.


Myth #3: You can never get pregnant if you have PCOS

Despite PCOS being a common cause of infertility, many women still have the chance to conceive and have a baby. It's important to be aware that PCOS is only one factor impacting fertility.

There are numerous treatments available for those struggling with it. Dispelling myths about pregnancy can help you make informed decisions regarding this life-changing experience!

Don't let myths get in the way of having an incredible pregnancy!

For many women with PCOS, the risk of infertility may seem overwhelming. However, it is important to note that pregnancy is still possible for most women with PCOS.

There are multiple ways to maximize fertility potential. 

Although numerous myths exist surrounding conception, knowledge on the matter can empower prospective parents-to-be to make informed decisions during their journey into parenthood.


Myth #4: You can only get PCOS if it runs in your family

Contrary to popular belief, PCOS does not solely run in families. Any woman can potentially develop PCOS regardless of her family's history with it.

There is no single gene identified as causing PCOS. Researchers believe genetics could still play a role in the development of PCOS. So while genetics play an important role in PCOS, it’s not the only contributing factor.

Many believe PCOS is an inherited condition. While genetics can contribute to a woman's risk of developing PCOS, this isn't always the case.

In fact, no one gene has been identified as causing PCOS. It appears that multiple genetic factors combined with environmental triggers together lead to its development.

Thus any woman may be at a risk for getting PCOS regardless of whether or not other female members in her family have had it.


Myth #5: All women with PCOS have irregular periods

It’s no myth that irregular periods are commonly associated with PCOS. But it’s important to note: only around half of those with the disorder actually experience this symptom.

That means, there can be other contributing factors. Hormone levels, stress, diet and exercise all contribute to disruptions in regular menstrual cycles for women without PCOS! 

That means not everyone who has PCOS will have an irregular period. Some may even see their cycle stay consistent depending on age, health or lifestyle choices they make.

It is true many women with PCOS experience irregular periods. But it is important to remember that this isn't the case for everyone.

Your hormones, stress levels and diet can all affect your menstrual cycle. Plus age, health and lifestyle factors should also be taken into account while assessing any irregularities in your periods.

Therefore it doesn't necessarily mean that every woman who has been diagnosed with PCOS will have irregular period cycles.


Myth #6: Birth control pills can reverse PCOS

Despite popular belief, there is no scientific evidence to suggest that birth control pills can reverse PCOS. In fact, these medications may actually make the symptoms worse.

Birth control pills work by suppressing ovulation and altering hormone levels for women with PCOS.

This often results in an increased level of testosterone. On top of that potential side effect, many women also experience weight gain issues from taking contraceptive drugs.

This is definitely not a cure-all for the women suffering from PCOS.

Many doctors do prescribe birth control pills to help manage symptoms related to PCOS. However it should be noted that they cannot actually reverse the underlying medical issue independently.

There is no science showing any reversibility when using such medications alone. However other treatments are available if you're looking to reduce its effects on your life and body.

Myth #7: PCOS causes low libido

Do you experience low libido while having PCOS? It's important to understand that there is no scientific evidence suggesting that PCOS itself leads to decreased sexual desire.

In fact, many women with this chronic illness report having normal or even heightened levels of affection!

Other possible explanations for a lack of sexual desire can include stressors like anxiety as well as relationship issues and side effects from certain medications.

Consulting your physician can help you identify any potential underlying causes so you can explore targeted treatment plans if necessary.

Although PCOS is not conclusively and directly linked to low libido, some research shows that it may be due to other factors associated with PCOS such as stress or anxiety.

Therefore, if you have been diagnosed with PCOS and are experiencing a decreased sex drive; it's essential to evaluate all potential causes.

This will help your doctor determine the underlying issue.


Conclusion: PCOS myths debunked

It's essential to separate fact from fiction when it comes to PCOS. I've tried to debunk some of the most prevalent myths and misconceptions about PCOS.

Empower yourself with a better understanding so that the treatment can be tailored specifically for YOU! Speak with your doctor and stay informed.

Don't let myths keep you away from potential solutions. Use these findings as an opportunity to further explore ways through which you could effectively manage your PCOS symptoms.


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Dr. Sanchita Dharne - Expert homeopathic doctor for PCOS treatment

Dr. Sanchita Dharne is an expert homeopathic doctor for PCOS treatment. She can help you overcome PCOS and its effects on your health. She has years of experience in treating PCOS and has helped many women reverse PCOS and restore vitality. Contact her today to schedule a consultation and learn more about how homeopathy can help you reverse PCOS.


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