Can you get pregnant with PCOS naturally? Homeopathic treatment and medicines for getting pregnant with PCOS naturally.

Explained: Can you get pregnant with PCOS naturally? (Homeopathic Treatment and Medicines)

Dr. Sanchita Dharne

When women face trouble conceiving, one potential cause could be PCOS. While there are a number of treatments available, some women may want to explore the possibility of getting pregnant with PCOS naturally. In this article I've covered homeopathic treatment and medicines as well as ways in which you can increase your chances of getting pregnant with PCOS naturally.

Let's address it straightaway!


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Can you get pregnant with PCOS naturally?

You can get pregnant even when you have PCOS. Pregnancy with PCOS can certainly be challenging. However, with the right approach, it is practically achievable and doable.

Women who are looking to get pregnant despite PCOS need to be cognizant of making lifestyle changes. Make simple adjustments such as reaching a healthy weight and eating a balanced and nutritious diet composed of different food groups.

Some women may also benefit from assisted reproductive techniques like in-vitro fertilization (IVF).

Ultimately, while there is no one-size-fits all solution when it comes to getting pregnant naturally with PCOS, understanding the available options can help individuals make the best decision for their health and needs.



    Schedule online consultation for PCOS treatment with homeopathy.


    PCOS problems that are stopping you from getting pregnant

    PCOS comes with a bagful of problems. It is important to understand which set of problems are contributing towards your infertility.

    PCOS can cause various health issues such as irregular periods, hormone imbalance, weight gain, polycystic ovaries, stress, and infertility.

    Women with PCOS may have problems with ovulation. They can have an increased risk of certain pregnancy complications.

    There are treatments that can help improve fertility and reduce the risk of complications.

    Here's list of possible PCOS problems that are stopping you from getting pregnant:

    • Irregular periods

    Among the many symptoms of PCOS, one of the most common is irregular periods. As a result, it is possible that you may not release an egg every month. Clearly, this can make it difficult to become pregnant.

    • Ovulation problems

    One of the most common problems associated with PCOS is anovulation. Anovulation is lack of ovulation. Ovulation is necessary for pregnancy to occur. Ovulation is the instance when the egg is released from an ovary. This egg becomes available for fertilization. Hence, when there is no ovulation there is no chance of fertilization or pregnancy.

    • Unhealthy uterine lining

    Another problem that can occur with PCOS is a thinning of the uterine lining. It is also known as endometrial atrophy. The uterine lining needs to be thick and healthy for successful implantation of the embryo. An unhealthy and thin uterine lining can directly prevent pregnancy.

    • Increase in androgen levels

    Women with PCOS tend to have higher levels of androgens than others. High level of androgens can interfere with ovulation. It can also lead to thinning of the uterine lining. In many ways high androgen level can cause hindrance to pregnancy.

    • Insulin resistance

    When insulin resistance is present, there can be a dramatic rise in androgen levels. As mentioned above, high androgens are not favorable for achieving pregnancy.

    • Chronic inflammation

    Inflammation is a normal immune response. When inflammation is chronic in nature, it can lead to a variety of health problems. Chronic inflammation has been linked to an increased risk of miscarriage. It is also linked to other problems during pregnancy such as pre-eclampsia and intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR).


    Homeopathic treatment and medicines to help you get pregnant with PCOS

    Homeopathic treatment is becoming increasingly popular as an effective method of improving fertility in PCOS cases. This is largely because it addresses the symptoms that are uniquely personal to you. Homeopathic treatment is individualized. It can be also be used for severe menstrual cramps or morning sickness during pregnancy. It works by regulating hormones. It is gentle yet very powerful treatment to get pregnant in PCOS.

    Many women with PCOS have achieved successful pregnancy with homeopathic treatment even when other treatments have failed. It's essential to work with a qualified homeopathic practitioner expert in treatment of PCOS and infertility. She will know the best remedy specifically tailored for your situation!

    Here's a list of top homeopathic remedies to help you get pregnant with PCOS:

    • Conium Maculatum: Conium maculatum has been known to offer hope for those struggling with infertility and pregnancy loss. This homeopathic treatment can make all the difference in increasing a woman's chances of carrying her little one safely through term.
    • Pulsatilla Nigricans: Pulsatilla nigricans can be a powerful ally for women with hormone imbalances and mood swings who are looking to conceive.
    • Sepia Officinalis: Sepia officinalis is a reliable remedy to support women with PCOS who are trying to conceive. Not only can it promote regular ovulation, but also provide relief mood issues like depression and anxiety associated. This remedy is particularly effective for women struggling to lose weight. 

    Can you get pregnant with PCOS and period problems?

    Yes, can get pregnant with PCOS and period problems.

    Many women with PCOS have irregular periods. This can mean absence of ovulation to most women. In fact, PCOS is actually one of the most common causes of ovulation problems. About 30% of women with PCOS have trouble getting pregnant.

    The good news is - there are still ways to help you improve fertility.

    With proper guidance, many women with PCOS are able to get pregnant naturally.

    First, you'll need to track your cycle so you know when you're most likely to ovulate. You should know when you're most fertile. You can use an ovulation predictor kit, chart your basal body temperature, or keep track of changes in your cervical mucus.

    Once you know when you're ovulating, you can time the intercourse accordingly.

    Achieving and maintaining a healthy weight is vital for your overall health. Being overweight or obese can make it harder to get pregnant, so losing even a small amount of weight can make a big difference.

    You should also try to reduce stress levels. Stress can contribute to hormone imbalance that can impact fertility.

    With right guidance and treatment, it is possible to get pregnant even if you have PCOS and period problems.


    Can losing weight help you get pregnant with PCOS?

    It's no secret that PCOS has caused many women to struggle with infertility. Research indicates that losing some extra weight may make the difference when it comes to becoming pregnant.

    Being overweight can cause a woman's hormones to become unbalanced, making conception particularly challenging for women with PCOS. Studies have shown that weight loss may even help women facing severe ovulatory disorders. With even a small proportion of weight loss you can see improvement in your insulin sensitivity.

    With the right combination of diet and exercise, you might just find the pathway you need to become a parent!


    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 

    How fast can you get pregnant with PCOS?

    Generally speaking, most women with PCOS are able to conceive within 12 months of trying, provided there are no other underlying issues that could be preventing pregnancy.

    PCOS can make it quite difficult for you to get pregnant. But it is still possible.

    However, it is important to note seeking fertility treatment from experts is a good option. Making certain lifestyle changes can also help to speed up the process. For instance, eating a nutritious diet and getting regular exercise. With the right resources and support, you still get pregnant with PCOS.


    Conclusion: Getting pregnant with PCOS naturally with the help of homeopathy treatment

    Women struggling to conceive with PCOS can find hope in homeopathy treatment. Homeopathic remedies such as Pulsatilla Nigricans, Sepia Officinalis and other natural treatments have been found to be effective at improving fertility. Furthermore, making certain lifestyle changes like eating a nutritious diet and getting regular exercise can also help to speed up the process of conceiving naturally with PCOS. With the right resources and support, you still get pregnant with PCOS!


    Dr. Sanchita Dharne

    Dr. Sanchita Dharne is an expert homeopathic doctor specializing in treatment of PCOS. If you are trying to conceive and have been diagnosed with PCOS, speak to Dr. Sanchita Dharne about homeopathic treatment. Contact her today for more information on homeopathic treatment for PCOS and fertility.


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