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PCOS Infertility - Homeopathy Treatment

Dr. Sanchita Dharne

Are you trying to get pregnant and having a hard time conceiving? Have you been diagnosed with PCOS infertility? Homeopathy treatment for PCOS infertility is a highly successful natural treatment procedure. Homeopathy can help regulate your hormones, alleviate the symptoms of PCOS, enhance egg quality, and boost chances of achieving pregnancy. The best part is, it is safe and saves you from going under the knife!

PCOS Infertility is a growing disorder among women. However, it might be possible to get pregnant naturally with the right treatment. Homeopathy for PCOS infertility provides relief from PCOS symptoms such as irregular menstruation, anovulation, hormone imbalance, acne, and hirsutism.

Read on to learn more about homeopathy treatment for infertility caused due to PCOS. It may be exactly what you need in order to become pregnant!


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What is PCOS?

PCOS stands for polycystic ovarian syndrome. It is a common endocrine disorder among women of reproductive age. PCOS is estimated to affect 6-10% of all women in their reproductive years. PCOS causes a number of symptoms including irregular periods, excess facial hair growth, acne, and sudden weight gain.

For women who don't ovulate or those that ovulate less often than normal, PCOS is likely to be the cause. Women who ovulate less often than normal, are said to have anovulatory cycles. Anovulation is absence of ovulation. Thus, in case of anovulatory cycles, egg is hardly available. When no egg is released, it's not possible for fertilization and pregnancy to occur naturally.

The lack of menstruation and the increased level of male hormones in anovulatory women result in their PCOS symptoms worsening over time.

In PCOS, the ovaries often produce excess androgen. Androgens are male sex hormones that can have an influence over periods, fertility, menstruation, weight gain, skin changes, and hair growth.

Homeopathy is increasingly lauded as a highly effective treatment for PCOS infertility. Homeopathy treatment is holistic. It targets the root cause of infertility and enhances fertility naturally.


How does PCOS affect fertility?

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is characterized by hormone imbalance in women. It affects ovulation, which in turn has an impact on fertility.

If you are diagnosed with PCOS, you are likely to have a history of irregular or missed menstrual periods.

These are all the signs of the absence of healthy ovulation.

If your menstrual cycles are not regular, you can blame it on PCOS that is creating disruptions in your hormonal balance and preventing ovulation from occurring.

Production of excess male hormones (also called, hyperandrogenism) is the result of PCOS. Hyperandrogenism leads to abnormal development of eggs within the ovaries. The follicles will develop but they won't be able to break through the surface of the ovary. Hence the eggs are not be released during ovulation. This simply means eggs are not available for fertilization.

As a result, women suffering from PCOS can suffer from infertility. Their ovaries may stop producing eggs at a normal level. This is one of the main causes of infertility in women suffering from PCOS. Hormone imbalance also leads to high levels of other hormones including testosterone. These can cause additional problems, which may also contribute to fertility issues.


Causes of infertility due to PCOS

Given below is the list of common causes of infertility caused due to PCOS.

  • Ovarian cysts: Existence of ovarian cysts hampers normal functioning of the ovaries. It leads to hormone imbalance.
  • High levels of insulin: High insulin levels are responsible for causing reduced ovulation.
  • Luteal phase defect: Defect in luteal phase causes irregular menstrual cycle and infertility.
  • Eggs not released: Both the ovaries are not able to release the egg.
  • Problems with the uterus: The lining of the uterus is not thick enough to support the implantation of the embryo.
  • High levels of testosterone: This inhibits egg production.
  • High levels of prolactin: The leads to irregular menstrual cycle and infertility.
  • Other complications: Complications during pregnancy like preeclampsia, gestational diabetes, high blood pressure, etc. cause miscarriage or early delivery of the baby.


Signs and Symptoms of Infertility due to PCOS

Find below common signs and symptoms of infertility caused due to PCOS.

  • Irregular Periods: Irregular periods is the first sign of PCOS. When there are infrequent periods, or menstruation is absent for longer duration; these are signs of PCOS infertility. Ideally, a regular period cycle has a duration falling between 21 days and 35 days. Follow our article to know more about irregular periods in PCOS and its homeopathy treatment.
  • Excessive facial hair growth, or acne: These are symptoms of hirsutism. Hirsutism is caused by excess androgen. Excess androgen affects the reproductive system including ovulation. Thus, excess facial hair or acne can be considered as early signs of PCOS and infertility.
  • Polycystic ovaries: Polycystic ovaries are detected by ultrasound. The finding of multiple small cysts in the ovaries is typical for PCOS. Although it is not sufficient to diagnose PCOS, it is still a significant sign of infertility. The existence of cysts in the ovaries hampers the normal functioning of the ovaries. Which can lead to anovulation and hormone imbalance. All of these contribute towards PCOS infertility.
  • Oligomenorrhea or amenorrhea: Oligomenorrhea is having less frequent periods. Less than six to eight periods in a year can be considered as oligomenorrhea. Amenorrhea is the complete absence of periods for over a year. Women with PCOS often experience these conditions of oligomenorrhea or amenorrhea. The main cause is thought to be inadequate progesterone in the second half of the menstrual cycle. Both these conditions are directly responsible for infertility.
  • Sleep apnea: Sleep apnea symptoms are caused by breathing that stops and starts during sleep. It has been noticed that women with PCOS, who do not ovulate, often experience symptoms such as disturbed breathing (sleep apnea).
  • Unexplained weight gain: Unexplained weight gain in the abdominal area is a common sign of PCOS. This could be due to insulin resistance. Insulin resistance creates an increased amount of insulin in the bloodstream. Insulin resistance, among other things, contributes to hormone imbalance and eventually infertility.


Tests to diagnose infertility caused due to PCOS

Infertility due to PCOS is diagnosed by clinical history which can show signs of excess male hormones or irregular menstrual cycles. The following tests diagnose the underlying cause of infertility:

Ovarian function test: Ovarian function test shows abnormal testosterone level, FSH level, and blood glucose. This proves an excess of male hormones in females.

Ultrasound scans: Ultrasound scans are used to determine the existence of polycystic ovaries.

Endometrial biopsy: Endometrial biopsy diagnose endometrial thinning. It also helps determine cause of irregular periods which cause infertility.

Laparoscopy: Laparoscopy diagnoses blocked fallopian tubes due to thickened lining of the uterus and the presence of cysts on ovaries.

Blood tests: Blood tests diagnose low levels of LH and FSH, along with amenorrhea.


Homeopathy treatment for PCOS infertility - Success stories

In a research study presented at the 2nd International Conference and Exhibition on Traditional & Alternative Medicine, it was demonstrated that 91 out of 132 women with PCOS, who were not treated with any conventional medicine, had successful outcomes with homeopathic remedies.

In a case report, a 31-year-old obese lady was administered homeopathic treatment for infertility caused due to PCOS. The successful treatment of the case highlighted the key role of individualized homeopathic treatment in the management of PCOS-induced infertility. She was treated with Sepia based on the concept of individualized homeopathic medicine. The results were noticed in terms of regularization of her menstrual cycles, improved hormonal balance, and normalization of the ultrasound patterns of ovaries. This was followed by the conception and normal delivery.

In another case series, seven young women with PCOS were assessed for the effect of homeopathic treatment. Marked improvement in the symptoms of PCOS including irregular menstrual cycles was observed in all seven women. The resolution of cysts in the ovaries was evidenced by ultrasonography. This case series have suggested a significant role played by individualized homeopathic medicines in the management of PCOS. The treatment is found to be effective for regularizing the menstrual cycles and preventing related complications including infertility.

Another study conducted in 2012 studied the effects of homeopathy on PCOS, specifically looking at insulin resistance and lipid profile. A total of 30 women with infertility due to PCOS were divided into two groups. One group took homeopathic remedies while the other group didn't. After the trial period, the results showed that the group taking homeopathy treatment had lower insulin and glucose levels after a meal, and higher HDL cholesterol.

The research work and studies like the ones mentioned above, delineate efficacy of homeopathic treatment for PCOS cases with infertility. Hope this gives some insight to anyone looking at trying homeopathic treatment for PCOS infertility issues.


Schedule online consultation for PCOS homeopathic treatment from specialist doctor.


How does homeopathy help with PCOS infertility?

Homeopathy helps manage PCOS infertility by stimulating the body's own potential to heal itself. Homeopathy can be of value since it assists in optimizing general health and well-being – which makes a woman more receptive to her body's natural fertility signals.

A key modality used by homeopaths for women with PCOS and infertility is called "constitutional", or "whole person" treatment. A good homeopath will assess all aspects of a woman's life, including physical, emotional, and psychological factors affecting fertility. The aim is to treat the individual as a whole rather than just focusing on the presenting symptoms. In this way, PCOS is treated as well as any other health issues that may be compromising fertility, including mental or emotional factors.

Hence, homeopathy for PCOS infertility delivers treatment by bringing the entire body to optimum balance.

Homeopathy for PCOS and infertility strengthens the body so that the PCOS symptoms are minimized while helping oocyte maturation, ovulation, implantation, and nourishment of fetus in PCOS patients.

In PCOS infertility cases, homeopathy helps by regulating hormone levels so that ovulation occurs regularly and healthy eggs are produced. Homeopathy stimulates the production of estrogen and progesterone. Overall, it contributes in enhancing the chances of fertility.

Additionally, homeopathy for PCOS infertility can assist in reducing other symptoms associated with PCOS such as insulin resistance, acne, excessive hair growth, and weight gain as well.


Top Homeopathic Remedies to Manage PCOS Infertility

Given below is the list of top homeopathic remedies effective to manage PCOS infertility.

  • Sepia officinalis: The homeopathic remedy, Sepia officinalis - effective in treatment of PCOS infertility, manifests symptoms such as scanty menses and dysmenorrhea. In addition to the above, PCOS patient also exhibits fatigue, leucorrhoea, and fallopian tube blockage. It is also effective when PCOS is characterized by bearing down pain in the lower abdomen. It can improve the menstruation, and promote healthy ovulatory cycles. Sepia is great for enhancing your chances of conception.
  • Carcinosin: Carcinosin is effective for PCOS infertility and provides palliative relief from pain and other symptoms such as backache, headache, etc. Along with the above-mentioned palliative relief, PCOS patient with ovarian cysts responds well to this homeopathic remedy.
  • Barrium carbonicum: Barrium carbonicum is effective in PCOS infertility that manifests symptoms such as scanty menses. In addition to the above, PCOS patient also responds to this remedy well when exhibiting symptoms like PCOS with a paunchy abdomen.
  • Pulsatilla: Pulsatilla is recommended for women who are having infertility due to PCOS. It is best suited for women having scanty menses and a history of late puberty.
  • Thuja occidentalis: Thuja occidentalis is effective for PCOS infertility an inefficient uterus. Symptoms like scanty menses are exhibited by them while having thuja occidentalis.
  • Apis mellifica: This homeopathic medicine is effective for the management of infertility linked to PCOS characterized by stinging pains accompanied by tenderness over the uterine and abdomen regions.


Indian foods that can help manage infertility caused by PCOS

Women with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) suffer from infertility, among many other symptoms. Women who do not conceive after a year of regular sexual intercourse without the use of contraception are considered infertile.

The prime cause of PCOS is insulin resistance and glucose intolerance causing obesity; this is due to a genetic predisposition.

There are many Indian foods that can help manage infertility caused by PCOS. Find below a list of prominent Indian foods effective in managing PCOS infertility.

  • Turmeric: This is a spice that has been used in India for thousands of years as a home remedy for various diseases. It has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties which promote fertility by restoring the activity of insulin and promoting ovulation.
  • Flaxseeds: Flaxseeds are highly rich in omega 3 fatty acids. Women who take omega 3 regularly have a higher chance of becoming pregnant than those who don't. Omega 3 has anti-inflammatory properties. It controls inflammation in the uterine walls.
  • Ginger: This is one herb that helps regulate blood sugar levels and improves insulin sensitivity. It is also exceedingly effective when combined with other herbs like black pepper. It also helps in alleviating joint pain associated with PCOS. It can be consumed in the form of tea, and by sprinkling in the foods.
  • Green leafy vegetables: Green leafy vegetables such as spinach, help in balancing the hormones and regulating menstruation. This leads to regular ovulation which ultimately enhances fertility. They also increase metabolism and helps in weight loss if consumed regularly.
  • Cinnamon: This spice is helpful in maintaining blood sugar levels and helps in enhancing insulin sensitivity.
  • Coconut oil: This is one of the few foods that can help manage PCOS naturally without causing adverse side effects. It has medium chain fatty acids which are easily digested and assimilated by the body. It helps in weight loss and hormone regulation.


Lifestyle changes that can help manage infertility caused by PCOS

Given below is the list of lifestyle changes that can help you manage infertility caused due to PCOS.

  • Intake of healthy food: The first step is to consume healthy foods like fruits, vegetables, and lean meat. This will provide the body with vital nutrients required for ovulation, and for better functioning of overall reproductive system.
  • Exercise regularly: Exercising helps in regulating menstrual cycles. It controls cortisol levels which required to manage stress. It makes you feel energetic and refreshed. Therefore, exercises must be carried out daily/weekly/monthly to ensure regular menstruation.
  • Maintaining normal BMI: Reducing weight is required to achieve normal body mass index (BMI). For lean women it is important to maintain the ideal BMI. Normal BMI for Indian women is between 18 – 25. It helps in regulating hormonal levels and ensuring regular menstruation. This ultimately contributes in achieving pregnancy. Obesity can cause insulin resistance and hirsutism, so it is important to maintain a healthy weight.
  • Stop smoking and reduce alcohol intake: Smoking is injurious to health. Smoking increases the risk of various diseases including high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, and ovarian cysts. Therefore, smoking must be stopped completely if you are diagnosed with PCOS. Alcohol intake should be reduced as much as possible as it can contribute in causing infertility. If there is a history of alcoholism in the family then alcohol intake must be completely avoided.
  • Reduce stress levels: Stress management is important for those who have been diagnosed with PCOS. High levels of stress will only worsen PCOS symptoms. Techniques like yoga, meditation, and deep breathing exercises can help in keeping stress under control.
  • Consume green tea: Green tea helps in over all wellbeing as it has antioxidants which help in reducing the level of insulin. It also decreases the level of cortisol that is a stress hormone which can adversely affect fertility. It also helps in weight loss if taken regularly, especially belly fat which is otherwise known as visceral fat which is where most of the organs are located and can affect fertility.


Frequently Asked Questions - FAQs


Do all women with PCOS develop infertility?

It will be wrong to assume that all women with PCOS develop infertility.

The prevalence of infertility in women with PCOS is approximately 70 to 80%. So, although PCOS is likely to increase your risk of infertility, there is still hope, technically. Technically, there are chances that you are able to enjoy motherhood with or without any active medical intervention.

The odds, however, are stacked heavily against fertility. It is wise to get professional medical advice to manage PCOS.

The numbers reflect you are definitely at a higher risk of infertility if you have PCOS. But again, if you follow proper dietary and lifestyle habits and receive timely treatment, you do have a chance of enjoying a healthy pregnancy.


Is it possible to get pregnant with PCOS?

Having PCOS does not mean you cannot get pregnant! PCOS can be treated and so can be infertility arising due to PCOS.

Also, if your PCOS symptoms are mild or if the disruption in the hormonal balance is not severe, you may be able to get pregnant with little medical intervention.

The factors that matter the most in determining your chances of conceiving are your general health, your diet, and your lifestyle.

Adopting a balanced and nutritious diet, avoiding unhealthy lifestyle habits, and exercising regularly, can all enhance your chances of conception significantly in spite of having PCOS.

You can increase your chances of getting pregnant by monitoring your ovulation and timing sexual intercourse around the days when ovulation is likely to occur.


Conclusion - PCOS Infertility Homeopathy Treatment

PCOS is a common hormonal disorder that affects the reproductive system. It can often lead to problems with menstruation and fertility if left untreated.

Homeopathic treatment can help you regain your fertility naturally.

Homeopathic remedies offer a non-invasive and effective treatment option to manage your symptoms naturally. All of this is achieved without the side effects of medication or surgery.

Homeopathy treatment heals your body from the inside out. It stimulates your immune system and restores hormone balance. I’ve had great success in treating patients for infertility who suffer from PCOS through my homeopathic practice. Feel free to contact our team if you have further questions about PCOS and infertility!


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 About the author
Dr. Sanchita Dharne, recognized as the best homeopathic doctor for treatment of PCOS infertility in Gurgaon and Delhi NCR area, is an expert in homeopathic treatment of PCOS infertility. She follows classical homeopathy treatment process. She believes in stimulating natural healing mechanism of body.



Disclaimer: Please don’t consume these medicines without the prescription of an expert homeopath. The list above is not a comprehensive list of medicines. An expert homeopath, prescribes combination of medicines on the basis of your case and various symptoms pertaining to the same.

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Please help me to conceive I have pcod but my periods are regular which medicine should I take

Nargis khan

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